Well Look What the Cat Dragged In

Mr. Royal’s long exile in the shed is over!  He has been allowed to stay in the house as long as he remains on good behavior.  Another incident like last time though and my justice will be swift and merciless.

Oh great, another mouth to feed.

No, actually all the messy stuff is finally done so I can finish the last few things in blissful climate-controlled leisure. And I was getting really tired of having my nasty abused workbench as a backdrop for all of the pictures.

It fits right in on my desk, looking stunningly out of place between the computer screen and 3D printer.  But it’s really the screen and printer that look out of place, compared to the timeless style and effortless grace of a fine piece of typing machinery.  The Royal will still be in perfect typing condition in another hundred years with just a little periodic oil and dusting, while the others will have long been recycled and vanished without a trace, utterly forgotten.

Cactus in the middle negotiates an uneasy truce.

3 thoughts on “Well Look What the Cat Dragged In”

    1. Thanks! Not sure what year they stopped the pinstriping, but it seems many of the survivors have been repainted over the years anyway. Which is a shame because it looks so classy.


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